Whenever you look online to find the
average pharmacy technician salary, you'll see that it can range from $18,000 a year to over $40,000 a year. It depends on a few factors but the most two are:
- How long you've done the job. And;
- If you are qualified to do the job.
You see, in most states anyone can become a pharmacy technician (at the moment) without having to go through the proper certification process. This is great because it gets you in the door quickly so you can start your new career.
The problem, however, is that you don't earn a great deal. This is why I encourage all my uncertified colleagues to go through the
pharmacy tech certification as soon as possible. It's the single best way to increase your earnings by over 20% without having to change anything else about your job.
Sure, it costs a little bit to do it, but isn't a small cost upfront worth a huge pay spike that you can build on as your further your career?
I know which one I would choose. What about you?